Wednesday 10 December 2014

Time magazine names Ebola fighters as persons of the year.

Pope Francis was the 2013 Person of the Year, and President Barack Obama won it in 2012. This year 2014, Time magazine has given the award to the courageous men and women who have battled the deadly Ebola disease that has ravaged some parts of West Africa.

So if anyone wants to know how come Ebola fighters beat top politicians to the title, hear Time magazine contributor Nancy Gibbs:

"2014 is the year an outbreak turned into an epidemic, powered by the very progress that has paved roads and raised cities and lifted millions out of poverty. Anyone willing to treat Ebola victims ran the risk of becoming one which brings us to the hero's heart.''

''There was little to stop the disease from spreading further," Gibbs continues. "But the people in the field, the special forces of Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), the Christian medical-relief workers of Samaritan’s Purse and many others from all over the world fought side by side with local doctors and nurses, ambulance drivers and burial teams."


Anonymous said...

Good for them

Anonymous said...

Wow so nice

Anonymous said...

Bless the Ebola fighters, well deserved honour.