Friday 14 March 2014

Pope Francis marks first year in office.

Pope Francis is celebrating his first year in office. Hurray! 

It was just like yesterday that we were shocked by Pope Benedict's abdication! And eagerly awaited the first sight of our new Pope. And it is a year already!

The Argentinean-born pontiff is currently on a week-long spiritual retreat with cardinals and bishops in the Alban Hills near Rome.

Italian opinion polls give Pope Francis the highest popularity rating of any recent pontiff.

However, critics say that Francis’s papacy so far has shown a change of style rather than of substance.

Pope Francis is the first Latin American – and the first Jesuit – to lead the Roman Catholic Church.

Since taking office, pilgrims have been arriving in Rome in unprecedented numbers.

He is also riding high on social media, with 11 million following him in nine languages on Twitter.

Francis’s approval rating has remained high despite a recent UN report accusing the Catholic Church of systematically covering up for tens of thousands of child-abusing priests reported to the Vatican.

The Pope himself has denounced any cult of personality.

He recently said: “Portraying the Pope as a kind of superman, a type of star, it seems offensive.”

***Proudly Catholic! Love you Pope Francis.


Anonymous said...

I Iove the Pope too. Happy one year in office.

Anonymous said...

Happy one year anniversary Sir.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
