Sunday 23 March 2014

An advice for a happy married life.

In church today, a Lady testified that today is exactly the 25th anniversary of her marriage. She said she is always surprised when people claim their marriages were turbulent, that she has had a blissful and peaceful 25 years of marriage! She said it so we can't doubt her.

Hmm, I was happy for her but it got me thinking, what makes one marriage turbulent and the other peaceful?

The Bible says: And the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." . . . So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Gen 2:18, 21 22).

So it was God’s desire that man should not be alone, but should live with a woman in a peaceful marriage, but with half of all marriages ending in divorce, what are the secrets of a long-lasting marriage? 
The following are some secrets that will lead to a happy marriage.

1.  Happiness is not the most important thing. Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness will come and go. Successful couples learn to intentionally do things that will bring happiness back when life pulls it away. 

2.  Couples discover the value in just showing up. When things get tough and couples don't know what to do, they need to hang in there and be there for their spouse. Time has a way of helping couples work things out by providing opportunities to reduce stress and overcome challenges. 

3.  If you do what you always do, you will get same result. Wise couples have learned that you have to approach problems differently to get different results. Often, minor changes in approach, attitude and actions make the biggest difference in marriage. 

4.  Your attitude does matter. Changing behavior is important, but so is changing attitudes. Bad attitudes often drive bad feelings and actions. 

continue after the cut...

5.  Change your mind, change your marriage. How couples think and what they believe about their spouse affects how they perceive the other. What they expect and how they treat their spouse matters greatly. 

6.  The grass is greenest where you water it. Successful couples have learned to resist the grass is greener myth – i.e. someone else will make me happy. They have learned to put their energy into making themselves and their marriage better. 

7.  You can change your marriage by changing yourself. Veteran couples have learned that trying to change their spouse is like trying to push a rope – almost impossible. Often, the only person we can change in our marriage is ourselves. 

8.  Love is a verb, not just a feeling. Everyday life wears away the "feel good side of marriage." Feelings, like happiness, will fluctuate. But, real love is based on a couple's vows of commitment: "For better or for worse" – when it feels good and when it doesn't. 

9.  Marriage is often about fighting the battle between your ears. Successful couples have learned to resist holding grudges, bringing up the past and remembering that they married an imperfect person – and so did their spouse. 

10.  A crisis doesn't mean the marriage is over. Crises are like storms: loud, scary and dangerous. But to get through a storm you have to keep driving. A crisis can be a new beginning. It's out of pain that great people and marriages are produced.

**Wishing all married people a happy married life and wishing all singles a good spouse that will give you a happy marriage.


Anonymous said...

Wise words.

Anonymous said...

Good advice.

Sunshine D said...

Good teaching.