Friday, 7 November 2014

Nicki Minaj insists she is not just beauty without brains.

As a result of her raunchy style and performances, many people consider Nicki Minaj a beauty without brains. However the diva has revealed that she is indeed a combination of beauty, talent and brains. 

Nicki covers the Billbord November 2014 issue and she said to the magazine:

“I’m on 15 to 25 conference calls every few days strategizing with my team. I think a lot of artists sit back and have it done for them. Sometimes as women in the industry — if you’re sexy or like doing sexy things — some people subconsciously negate your brain. They think you’re stupid.” 

She added: “Once I did American Idol, a lot of people would come up to me and say, ‘Oh, you’re smarter than I thought.’ What does that mean?!”

Continue to see more of Nicki's 2014 magazine covers...


Anonymous said...

Brains indeed!

Jake said...

Her brain is in her backside, that

Anonymous said...

Omg Nicki and Brains in one sentence? Never thought I would see the day.

Anonymous said...

Omg Nicki and Brains in one sentence? Never thought I would see the day.

Anonymous said...

Dump ass bitch, brains ko brains ni.