Friday, 14 November 2014

Japanese school organizes sex change day.

A school in Japan has asked male and female students to swap clothing as a way to challenge gender norms.

Students at Fuji Hokuryo High School in Yamanashi Prefectur, were asked to challenge their ideas of traditional masculinity and femininity as they celebrated Sex Change Day earlier this week.

According to the Daily Mirror, students went to school in their normal uniform then boys were given skirts and ribbons to wear, while girls dressed in suits and ties. The students then received lessons on how gender change can affect behaviour and that of those around them.

Another picture after the cut...


Anonymous said...

Good learning.

Anonymous said...

That is why they are ahead of the world.

Uche said...

I bet the students enjoyed their day.

Anonymous said...

Wow good idea.

Anonymous said...

Wow good idea.