Friday, 14 November 2014

If North West could talk about her mother's nude pictures...

1. When she first saw the cover:

2. North trying to reason with Kim :

Continue after the cut...

 3. When it finally sunk in:

4. Nori trying to be a smart a**: 

 5. And when Blue Ivy got wind of the cover...



Anonymous said...

Haha poor North

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare when she starts school and her classmates will say, "your mum's ass!"

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare when she starts school and her classmates will say, "your mum's ass!"

Liam said...

What a shameful mother.

Anonymous said...

Poor poor North.

stefine said...

Funny enough, I don't see anything wrong in the nude pictures. Every one has a life to leave and what u want to make out of it. So it's her choice, let her have it.