Saturday, 15 November 2014

Can you honestly buy or rent this house?

It is a normal looking UK house from the outside.

Continue after the cut...

It has a lovely spacious living room.

A lovely spacious master bedroom.

A clean modern kitchen.

A nice dinning room.

But then you look at the roof... and you see an image of a big shark head down into the house...omg

Would you still buy or rent?


Anonymous said...

No way, evil house

Anonymous said...

Shark in the roof! No no. No.

Anonymous said...

Witchcraft things no way meen.

Anonymous said...

Lovely house but that shark will give me nightmares.

Olu said...

Mark of the beast.

Eddie said...

No, I don't have anything to do with evil things.

Sunshine D said...

Why not. The shark is just a design. But d dining room is not lovely.